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Delta Nu History

Delta Nu Chapter was installed at Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri, on November 12, 1977 and was reinstalled on March 7, 2009. Prior to installation, a local sorority, Sisters of Aphrodite, chose to affiliate with Gamma Phi Beta, and was welcomed in May, 1977. Delta Nu Chapter was installed by Grand President Betty Luker Haverfield (Missouri-Columbia, 1940), which was her last official Gamma Phi Beta appearance.  


Pictured above: Delta Nu Chapter members at their summer retreat in 1980.

Today, Delta Nu has thrived on Missouri State's campus for 9 years and currently has over 170 members. Women of the Delta Nu chapter have grown as sisters, scholars, and have impacted the campus and community around them. The sisters of Delta Nu are always striving to be the best versions of themselves while constantly being authentic and loyal. Delta Nus work toward maintaining the mission of Gamma Phi Beta, which is to inspire the highest type of womanhood. 

The History

of Gamma Phi Beta

Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ) is an international sorority that was founded on November 11, 1874, at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. The term "sorority," was coined for Gamma Phi Beta by Dr. Frank Smalley, a professor at Syracuse University. The four founders of Gamma Phi Beta are Helen M. Dodge, Frances E. Haven, E. Adeline Curtis, and Mary A Bingham. These women were a rather serious minded group and like other women of the time were moving forward against the sometimes slow pace of social evolution. 

Gamma Phi Beta currently has more than 200,000 initiated members, 130 chartered collegiate chapters and more than 155 alumnae groups across the United States and Canada. 

"My heart goes out to each and every sister; I crave for them the best and noblest in this life."

-Helen M. Dodge, 1924

If you would like to learn more about the History of our 142 year-old sisterhood, please follow this link to explore the legacy of Gamma Phi Beta.

Gamma Phi Beta Symbols

Gamma Phi Beta's Crest!

The Badge of Gamma Phi Beta was designed by Tiffany & Co. and features the letters ΓΦΒ and an upward facing moon. 

The Pink Carnation is Gamma Phi Beta's official flower because it is known to be the longest living flower!

Official Colors: 

Brown and Mode 


The official symbol of Gamma Phi Beta is the crescent moon.

The rock on the left is located at International Headquarters in Centennial, Colorado which signifies  the open motto of Gamma Phi Beta,

"Founded on a Rock."

© 2018 Gamma Phi Beta-Delta Nu. 

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